The results of a recent poll showed that 45 percent of adults in the U.S. have had their health negatively impacted as a result of worrying about the effects of COVID-19.
Does this sound familiar to you? Have you experienced a decrease in sales at your company because of the virus? Are you concerned about how your business is going to stay afloat in the wake of the pandemic?
Stress is a serious issue for a lot of people right now. Luckily, though, there are ways to cope with your concerns. Listed below are five stress management techniques you can use to stay calm during (and beyond) the COVID-10 crisis.
The Effects of Unmanaged Stress
It may be tempting to try and just put your head down and “push through” while you’re dealing with the stress of COVID-19. The sooner you address and work to manage your stress, though, the better off you’ll be.
When stress goes unmanaged for too long, it can lead to all sorts of physical and mental health issues, including the following:
- Depression
- Anxiety disorders
- Increased risk of cardiovascular disease
- Obesity
- Poor skin and hair health
- Gastrointestinal issues
Before you start hyperventilating, remember that our goal in sharing some of the effects of unmanaged stress is not to make you feel more stressed out. We just want to make sure you take your mental health seriously and take action to improve it.
COVID-19 Stress Management Strategies
Not sure how to take action? Here are some simple, yet effective, stress management strategies you ought to try today if your sales slump has got you in a rut:
1. Meditate
Practicing meditation even for just a couple of minutes per day can have a bit impact on your mood and stress levels. It can help you to feel calmer, more patient, and more in control. It’ll help you stay focused and more present while working or homeschooling your kids, too.
A lot of people might be turned off by the idea of meditating initially. They might assume that they have to sit cross-legged on a cushion and chant for hours on end, and that, understandably, is not appealing.
The good news, though, is that there’s no need for chanting or twisting yourself into a pretzel to experience the benefits of meditation. It can be as simple as you need.
Try setting a timer just one minute. Pick a position that’s comfortable for you — sitting on the couch, lying on the floor, etc., then close your eyes and start to breathe deeply. Try to focus on the feeling of your breath coming into and leaving your body. If your mind wanders, don’t beat yourself up. Just redirect your attention back to your breath and start again.
2. Prioritize Your To-Do List
You might find that, during a very stressful time (such as a global pandemic), you have a harder time getting things done at work. You may struggle to stay focused, or you may get overwhelmed more easily, for example. If this is the case for you, make an effort to prioritize your to-do list when you first arrive at the office (or sit down in your makeshift office at home).
Take a look at what you need to get done for the day and identify the top two or three most important tasks on your list. Make those your priorities and cut yourself some slack if you don’t get to the rest of the list that day. You can at least rest easy knowing you did the things that matter most.
3. Get Outside
Whenever possible, try to get outside and enjoy some fresh air and sunshine.
You should still practice social distancing, of course, and keep at least six feet of space between yourself and others. Make an effort to break out of your house or the office, though. Go for a walk around the block, take a trip to a local park, or just sit out in your driveway or on your balcony.
Spending time outside helps to increase your vitamin D levels. Vitamin D essential when it comes to boosting your mood and helping you to cope with stress. It’s also nice to take a break from the computer every once in a while.
4. Limit Screen Time
Speaking of taking breaks from the computer, make an effort to limit your screen time. This is especially important if you’re spending a lot of time on news sites or social media. It’s true that it’s good to be informed, but spending too much time on these kinds of sites can cause you to feel more stressed and anxious.
Give yourself a time limit screen exposure as much as you can. You may want to consider using an automated lead to call system or other automation tools, too. That way, you can take time away from the computer without worrying that customer inquiries are going unanswered.
5. Find Ways to Have Fun
Remember, you’re allowed to still have fun during a pandemic. In fact, finding ways to bring a little laughter and lightness into your life might be more important now than ever before. Look for opportunities to have fun and smile throughout the day, both when you’re working and at home.
Consider starting some kind of challenge or contest with your co-workers to keep them motivated and engaged, or have a game night with your family once a week. Little things like this can make a big difference and help everyone to feel a little less stressed out. Try These Stress Management Techniques Today If you’re feeling more stressed than usual, it’s totally understandable. Lots of people are in the same boat, especially those who are still doing their best to generate leads and make sales to keep their companies afloat.
Give these stress management strategies a try today so you can feel more at ease and stave off some of the long-term effects stress can cause. Keep in mind that you can also reduce stress at work by automating certain aspects of your job, such as keeping tabs on new leads to respond to. For example, with Callingly you can boost lead call-back times by having Callingly notify you when a new lead appears through a phone call. You can immediately dial them back through your phone or schedule them in for when you’re free. No more checking CRMs frequently, or odd-hour phone calls. This will free yourself up to focus on other things (or even take a little meditation break or walk outside).
Are you interested in automating lead response for your business? If so, contact us today to learn more about how Callingly can help.